Whatcom Young Aviators is a free program for Middle and High School aged students designed to provide a introduction to the wonderful world of aviation


Each member of WYA will receive the following:

Membership in EAA Young Eagles program including flight in a light aircraft

Free Learn to Fly program from Sporty’s

Opportunity to participate in a build a plane project

Field trips to aviation related locations

Presentations from aviation industry professionals

Model Aircraft and UAV training

Flight Simulator training

Fun STEM projects

Aviation related videos/movies

Bi-weekly group meetings

Weekly build group


WYA’s mission is to provide aviation related education opportunities to Whatcom County middle and high school aged students through classroom style activities and presentations and hands on workshop style building projects using local resources and aircraft organizations. This will provide students insight into the many aviation career paths, both air and ground based, available to them after they have graduated. Funding will be 100% from industry sponsors and individual donations.


WYA would like to thank the following sponsors without whom this program could not continue:
Flight Level                                                                 Pattern Level                                                                                           Taxi Level                                                                                         Ground Level
                                                                                           MarlinEngineering                                                                                Advanced Powder Coating                                                   Big Dog Freight
                                                                                           Dennis and David Anderson                                                           Bob Brim                                                                                          CB Wholesale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bob Nelson                                                                                     Jill & Eric Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Irongate Machine                                                                       Rhys Morrish